Our successful Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) program is characterized by low incident rates, active risk assessment, routine audits, and a defined roadmap for continual improvement. This program is designed to minimize accidents, illnesses, and environmental impacts. The program starts by regularly monitoring incident rates and identifying potential risks. Once the risks are identified, appropriate measures are taken to address them and prevent future incidents. Regular audits are conducted to ensure that the program is being implemented effectively and to identify areas for improvement. Finally, a defined roadmap outlines the steps for continuous improvement and ensures that the program stays relevant and effective over time.


In an ongoing effort to enhance our Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) performance across all programs, in alignment with the V2X Vector to Zero philosophy, in 2020 we implemented an innovative global system known as Enterprise Valued Analytics (EVA). This solution enables us to efficiently manage workplace incidents, risk assessments, and audits, thereby streamlining EHS processes and incorporating effective risk mitigation measures to expand our capabilities.

EVA is a comprehensive platform for EHS, Quality, Compliance, and Risk Management that empowers each program with access to critical workplace EHS information and promotes a robust EHS culture. Employees can centralize EHS processes documentation, gather valuable data insights through trend analysis, track action items, and communicate results to stakeholders.

EVA offers a suite of features, including incident reporting and investigation with corrective and preventative actions, data aggregation, and trend analysis through reports and interactive dashboards, audit programs, and risk assessments.

Our continuous improvement is demonstrated through the following leading indicators: safety messages, risk assessment reviews, reward and recognition, EHS improvements, reported near misses, and corrective and preventative actions.


V2X uses OSHA’s formulas to track and measure its safety performance. TRIR (Total Recordable Incident Rate) is calculated by dividing the number of recordable incidents x 200,000 by the number of hours worked for all employees and supervised subcontractors. DART (Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred) rate is calculated by dividing the number of DART cases x 200,000 by the number of hours worked for all employees and supervised subcontractors. The Near Miss Frequency Rate is calculated by dividing the number of near misses x 200,000 by the total number of hours worked. 

The definition of a recordable incident is determined by OSHA regulations and includes any injury or illness that results in death, lost work days, restricted duty, or requires medical treatment beyond first aid. We use these formulas and definitions to monitor our safety performance, identify trends, and implement corrective measures to continuously improve our safety program.

Risk-based Approach

The process to determine risk levels at various locations includes an assessment of the presence of high-hazard activities. Using our risk-ranking model, we consider locations with high-hazard activities and exposures, environmental risks, incident rates, and program engagement to provide targeted support and implement additional training programs.


Identified top recordable injuries and illnesses and causes. In the past several years, sprains and strains, as well as lacerations, have consistently been the most frequently recorded injuries. Distractions and slip/trip hazards have been identified as the top contributing factors for recordable injuries.


  • Conducted a comprehensive analysis of injury/illness records over the past few years.
  • Developed targeted training programs to address specific issues (ergonomic injuries and slips, trips, and falls). 
  • Monitor the effectiveness of these countermeasures over time.

Vector to Zero

V2X operates under a firm safety philosophy with a goal of achieving zero incidents in the workplace. By promoting a strong safety culture and empowering employees to identify and report potential hazards, the company has consistently maintained a strong safety record.

In recent years, the company has not experienced any work-related serious incidents or fatalities, excluding pandemic events, demonstrating the effectiveness of the safety program in protecting the well-being of employees. This success serves as a testament to the company’s unwavering commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for all.

Recordable Injuries/Illnesses Trends – EVA Review

  Vectrus V2X
Year 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sprain/Strain (%) 31.9 29.4 41.7  38.3
Laceration (%) 19.8 16.7 14.7  14.2
Bruise/Contusion (%) 9.9 8.7 9.0  9.2
Eye Injury (%) 1.6 1.4 3.3
Fracture (%) 4.4 7.1 3.2  5.8
Infection/Inflammation (%) 4.4 0.8  1.7
Abrasion (%) 2.2 3.2 1.9  0.4
Puncture (%) 1.1 2.6 1.7
Company Year Total Number of Hours Worked (Employees and Supervised Contractors)
Vectrus 2018 63,972,690
2019 66,115,420
2020 73,942,012
2021 78,075,094
2022 99,855,318
V2X 2023 105,177,780*

*Does not include Training sites and Classified programs.

Top recordable injuries/illnesses by percentage of total (excluding COVID-19), by year, for employees and supervised contractors.

Safety Metrics for Vectrus, Vertex, and V2X 2019-2023

 Metric Year
Vectrus Vertex V2X
2019 2020 2021 2022 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
DART (COVID-19) 0.34 0.72 1.35 1.07 2.11 2.54 2.75 1.10 0.35
TRIR (COVID-19) 0.37 0.82 1.43 1.14 3.14 3.46 3.14 1.50 0.47
DART 0.34  0.17 0.25 0.25 2.11 2.54 2.75 0.90 0.34
TRIR 0.37 0.24 0.33 0.31 3.14 3.46 3.14 1.30 0.46

Total Recordable Incident Rate & COVID-19

Near Miss Frequency Rate

The Good Catch Program is a near-miss reporting initiative that has been highly successful in encouraging employees to report incidents that have the potential to cause harm. In 2021, the program was introduced with the goal of promoting a culture of safety within the organization. The Good Catch Program achieved a significant increase in the reporting of near misses from 0.09 in 2021, to 0.25 in 2022, and an all-time high of 0.65 in 2023. This represents a significant improvement in our ability to identify and mitigate unsafe acts/conditions before they result in incidents.

Calculated by multiplying the number of near misses, unsafe acts, or unsafe conditions reported in the workplace by 200,000 hours worked and then dividing by the total number of hours worked by both employees and supervised contract employees during a determined period.